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What were the most people served in one year?
In 2020, 321 Families were served, 1060 people fed, and 506 children clothed.
How much of donations go directly to the families?
We are able to keep costs very low due to the dedication of our volunteers. Over 98% of donations go directly to the families we serve.
How can someone apply?
Each October applications are taken at the CHP Family Services offices. Keep an eye out for the notice in the Shoppers Guide.
Does someone have to be income eligible to receive benefits?
Yes. To receive benefits, people must show proof of need such as WIC, Fuel Assistance or SNAP.
Do you give away toys too?
No. We stick to food/groceries and clothing.
How can I get involved?
We continue to welcome people who want to help. Email us at or drop us a note at PO Box 284 Gt Barrington, MA 01230.
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